Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mathematics Curriculum Notes

   After viewing the following video, I felt that I connected to the thoughts presented by M.J. McDermott. As a fifth grade teacher, it is frustrating to see that students cannot multiply or divide fluently. We have recently worked in multiplication and division in my classroom with very scattered results. Many of my students did not know how to set up a traditional multiplication algorithm. Some knew how to use the ‘cluster math’ depicted in the video, others were familiar with the lattice method (although a precious few actually used it successfully on more than one or two problems at a time), and several were familiar with partial products. By not using the traditional algorithm, my students are not able to master any particular form of multiplying. In addition to this, when student are asked if their answer is reasonable, they cannot seem to grasp the concept of determining reasonability because they are more focused on which method they can use to determine reasonability. When we moved into long division, I saw that students looked for an alternative way to do it. One even attempted to create his own ‘division lattice’. It seems all of these ‘tricks’ have made students less willing to persist in traditional mathematics for mastery of skills.

   Based on Chapter 9 from the Handbook of Research in Mathematics Education, there is a web of curricula that leads to student understanding. A few of the points in this web are the Teachers’ orientations toward curriculum, Teacher beliefs and knowledge, and Teachers’ professional identity. After reading this, I wondered how a state could have a set list of standards; yet have teachers teaching a completely different form of mathematics. I have a recent personal connection to this. My daughter is in 3rd grade in NC. Her math homework recently included subtraction problems called “Expanded Subtraction”. Below is an illustration of the method she was instructed to use. Where you see a (c) is the place she was instructed to use a calculator.

   My question for this, is exactly what part of NC or Common Core Math standards does this fall under? Additionally, if my daughter was encouraged to use a calculator for two separate parts of this problem, why would she not logically use a calculator to simply solve 284-95 to begin with? Finally, the interpretation of this subtraction skill was different between two teachers in the same building. While my daughter’s teacher did it this way, another teacher taught it the way you see below. This exemplifies the sections we see in Explanations for Transformations from the Handbook of Research in Mathematics.

   As a home-educated student, I used Saxon Mathematics during the course of my education. Saxon Math was very straightforward, teaching the use and mechanics of all mathematics skills I use today. I cannot say that I particularly enjoyed math as a student, due in part to the literary nature of my childhood, but I did not hate it or feel inadequate using the skills acquired through traditional problem solving.  As a teacher for four years, only one of those years have I had an actual math textbook to utilize in teaching. The experience with it was strenuous at best due to a heavy focus on games, investigating math concepts and unrelated content mixed in throughout the book. Students utilized a very large workbook version of the textbook that included 1-2 problems per page. The problems always seemed either very easy or rather convoluted, neither of which was beneficial to my students.

Stein, Mary Kay, Janine Remillard, and Margaret S. Smith. "Chapter 8: How Curriculum Influences Student Learning." Handbook of Research in Mathematics Education. New York, NY: MacMillan Co, 1992. 319-23. Print.

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